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Industrial de-dusting filters

PnM Engineering is more than capable to construct all types of self-cleaning industial filters, based on designs adopted to our customer's needs, both in terms of size and functionlaity.

Industrial self-cleaning bag filters are todays most adopted solution for dust restraint applications that concern pneymatic transfer industrial operations. A basic prerequisite for the reliabilty and economical operation of self-cleaning bag filters and their effectiveness in meeting the dust emission limits, is carefully select their operating parameters at the initial phase of the industrial filter design.

Functional description of industrial self-cleaning bag filters

Industrial self-cleaning filters operate as follows:

Through the pipe network and the air intake, dust is entering the filtering unit (1) and stucks at the outer surface of the filter clothes (2). Air, after dust removal, is extracted to the environment from the out take (3). At frequent intervals (adjusted at the control unit), a special unit emits air under high pressure to the the inner area of the filter clothes, through special nozzles(4). This reacts to a sudden shake of the filter bags, so as a result, dust elements fall from the cloth surface to the cone of the filter unit, where is being removed by a countersunk screw (5) or other specialized unit. The filter's operational status is being adjusted by a differential pressure gauge that measures the different pressure between the dust-free area and the dust lodgement area. It also provides the filter clothes' replacement indication limits.

Φίλτρα Ορθογωνικής Διατομής

Rectangular shaped industrial filters

Rectangular shaped industrial filters are the most common industrial filters and can be constructed at various sizes (both outer size and filtering surface).

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Φίλτρα με στοιχεία φίλτρανσης τύπου φυσιγγίου

Industrial filters with cartridge filter elements

Industrial filters with cartridge filter elements have generally smaller outer dimensions, proportional to the size of the filtering surface and are prefered for applications where space is limited.

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Συγκράτηση σκόνης με κυκλώνες

Industrial cyclones

Industrial cyclones as a particle retention system can not meet todays gas/particle emission limits, which moreover are set to become even stricter

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Στρογγυλά φίλτρα

Round shaped industrial de-dusting filters

Round shaped industrial de-dusting filters are usally used in applications where the filtering surface is smaller,  and therefore have a limited de-dusting performance.

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Φίλτρα με στοιχεία φίλτρανσης τύπου φακέλου

Industrial filters with envelop-shaped elements

Industrial filters with envelop-shaped elements are suitable where the installation area is of limited height, since filtering elements can be maintained/replaced horizontally (from the front side of the installation), as opposed to other types of filters where maintenance/replacement is  made vertically (from the top side of the installation).

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Αντιεκρηκτικά φίλτρα

Explosion-proof industrial filters

Our company is certified by Lloyds for building filters according to Directive 2014/34 / EU , suitable for use in potentially explosive atmospheres ATEX ZONE 21, 22

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