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Lime blast furnaces

For the production of lime (CAO) limestone (CaCO3) is heated in at high temperatures (> 1,000 degrees C) in vertical blast furnaces.

The fuel is usually delivered either by injection through nozzles or parallel to the stone in layers.

The fuel usually used is PET KOK, or, sometimese fuelwood or sawdust.

The exhaust fumes temperature ranges from 180-250 degrees C with frequent fluctuations, which need particular attention in the design of the de-dusting filter installation.

Due to the extremely difficult operating conditions (high temperatures with frequent fluctuations, high dust loads in the exhaust fumes, 24-hour operation) the design of a lime blast furnaces de-destung filter requires special experience and needs to be done with care.

In addition, it is necessary to install reliable temperature control systems, as the destruction of the filters is often observed in a very short time.

In addition, if the filter is incorrectly dimensioned, the filtration strips become blocked very soon, resulting in reduced gas flow, which results to poor quality of the final product and serious problems to the interior brickwork of the blast furnace.

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