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Biomass boilers, solid fuels industrial solutions

In recent years, the use of biomass as a fuel in steam generating boilers has increased considerably, due to its low cost.

By the general term biomass are described materials such as hardwood, pellets, wood processing residues etc.

The combustion of the above materials is accompanied by a significant exhaust emissions, so units that operate using the above materials without a filter are considered problematic, due to the disturbance caused to civilians located even at great distances away from the emission point.

Due to the very low size of the particles exhausted, the very high temperatures (250 °C) and the various chemical compounds expected in the exhaust gases, special filtering plates and careful adjustment of the filter both during initial start-up and during normal operation is required.

Our company has developed its own know-how from the very first years of projects involving biofuels and since then we have put into operation dozens of plants with remarkable success, both in meeting the emission limits and ensuring long life of spare parts.

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